Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Material Thoughts

Material properties can create strong sense of meaning & experience in an environment. Different materials used to form a structure/ object can make us feel a certain way. As the example given in class of the chair and bench made from pencils, the one with the pencils faced upward make us feel uneasy. We see that the materials used to form that chair would not be comfortable, therefore we do not want to sit in in. We can see the materials used to form the easers on the pencils would be more comfortable, so you would choose to sit on the bench rather than the chair. We use our senses to determine how the materials in an environment will affect us. Although they may be aesthetically pleasing, they may not be comfortable to touch, and vice versa. Materials also play a role in the environment depending on the climate of an area. The material type used to construct a building whether it be natural, processed, or synthetic is generally selected based on the environment it will be in and how it will be affected by the climate. 
Here is a photo of the materials used in Machu Picchu, my case study.The plateau on which the city was built was also the place where the construction materials were extracted. Stone played a role in this structure because they did not have a large difficulty collecting it. 

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